afleveringen 2018

Jaargang 20172016 — 2018 —

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30-12-2018 Deze week in aflevering 134 Geen bijdrage van Ron deze aflevering – De Trump pin – Trump Game Theory – VS militairen uit Syrië en meer landen – Q Anon 2019 – Blauw licht NY – Feminisme & hormonen – der Spiegel ontslaat journalist van het jaar – (en 2 anderen) – Brexit in chaos – Sharia wet in Duitsland – Kyrgystan GMO vrij in 10 jaar – Links creëert een generatie zonder binding met het land – #StemZeWeg – Machthebbers geven nooit hun macht op – Propaganda UK – Aandeel immigranten EU – Trump bashing gaat wereldwijd – Muzikale waarheid – BTW verhoging – Trump 24 maanden in office Ga naar de podcast

23-12-2018 Deze week in aflevering 133 met: Diabetes medicijn Gliclazide en basale insuline verhogen de kans op hartziekte – Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Phone – Negative mood – Chemo after solid tumors linked to higher risk for rare blood cancers – Diet soda consumption associated with increased risk of diabetic retinopathy – Hij van Antoinette Hertsenberg: Niko Koffeman – Blaasontsteking – Almonds should be the go-to snack for people watching their weight because they don’t release as much fat into the body – Authorities BAN popular textured breast implants from use in Europe amid growing fears they could cause cancer – Passing a Kidney Stone? DO THIS FAST… – Exciting’ study reveals the annoying sensation can be stopped by shining a LIGHT on the skin – Sugar targets gut microbe linked to lean and healthy people – Gut microbiota linked to obesity and mental disorders – Chronic fatigue syndrome ‘could be triggered by overactive immune system’ – Quotes van Ronnie Bijdragen Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

16-12-2018 Deze week in aflevering 132 – Johns Hopkins researchers find the cause of and cure for brain injury associated with gut condition – Later School Start Time Pays Off For Teens – Childhood hormone treatments may have spread Alzheimer’s proteins – Two technicians found dead at Antarctica science station – How to discontinue antidepressants – High-dose antipsychotics place children at increased risk of unexpected death – Possible connection between cardiovascular disease and living near oil and gas wells – Welke partijen waren tegen terugdraaien btw verhoging groente en fruit? – Birth control pills may block blood flow to brain – Julie Doughty claims cancer pill Tamoxifen gives women ‘awful’ symptoms – Vitamin C may reduce harm to infants’ lungs caused by smoking during pregnancy – Stellingen – FRENCH GENERALS ACCUSE MACRON OF “TREASON” OVER UN MIGRATION PACT – Bijdragen Mike en Henk, Trump, Q anon – Jillets Jaunes en meer ga naar de podcast

09-12-2018 Deze week in aflevering 131: Vitamin C may reduce harm to infants’ lungs caused by smoking during pregnancy  – Inverse Association between Organic Food Purchase and Diabetes Mellitus in US Adults – Mannose and Cancer – Link between newborns with vitamin D deficiency and schizophrenia confirmed – Study links vitamin D-deficient older adults with greater risk of developing depression – Infections during childhood increase the risk of mental disorders  – Dirty air now could harm hearts of offspring later – Brushing your teeth lowers your risk of hypertension by 20% – Men’s penises are made smaller by chemicals in non-stick frying pans – Fascinating study shows vitamin C reduces the risk of cognitive impairment – Dr Malcolm Kendrick – deletion from Wikipedia – Study warns the risks of statins outweigh the benefits for millions of heart patients – Chirurgen getuigen over omkooppraktijken – Quotes van Ronnie – Bijdrage luisteraar – Mike en Henk met o.a de Jilets Jaunes, en Q Anon en de geo politiek Ga naar de podcast

02-12-2018 Deze week in aflevering 130 Angst- en paniekaanvallen zijn eigenlijk melkzuuracidose – When starting school, younger children are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD – St. Regis Mohawk Tribe joins lawsuit against Monsanto over PCB contamination – Curry spice boosts exercise performance in mice with heart failure – Suspected severe side effects to the HPV vaccines – Vertraagde verteerbaarheid van zetmeel in voedingsmiddelen in belang van de gezondheid – Pharma company ‘KNEW vaginal mesh implant would leave women in pain’ – Erectieproblemen? – Kinkhoestvaccinatie voor zwangere vrouwen, effectieve kinkhoest preventie voor zuigelingen? – The silicon in breast implants – Silicone breast implant patients face greatly increased risk of autoimmune disease – Roaccutane side effect that can leave men suicidal – Diabetes UK charity is slammed for signing £500,000 ‘blood money’ deal with Pepsi producers – Is dit het echte plan van Bayer met de overname van Monsanto? – Compared to antibiotic non-users, children with antibiotic prescription had an increased risk of food allergy – Stellingen — Vraag van een luisteraar – Bijdragen Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

26-11-2018 Deze week in aflevering 129 EU Scientific Advice Mechanism in lockstep with US government  – One in four women say taking the contraceptive has damaged their mental health  – The Endogenous Adjuvant Squalene Can Induce a Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Arthritis in Rats – Stelling – Studenten van Comac voeren actie tegen samenwerking UGent met Monsanto – Sugar supplement used for UTIs slows tumour growth  – Smoking during pregnancy increases the likelihood of your baby becoming obese  – Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants – Air filter that you stick up your NOSE blocks 90% of pollution particles – Sugar-sweetened beverages are harmful to health and may be addictive, researchers suggest  – People with diabetes can experience mild to severely painful muscle cramps – How pharmaceutical companies can manipulate science, especially controlled trials – Saffron can fight liver cancer, reveal UAE researchers — Bijdragen / vragen luisteraars – Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast | uitzending

18-11-2018 Deze week in aflevering 128 Bijdrage Mike en Henk, gezondheid nieuws met Ron: Polar bears are threatening native Inuit populations, warns controversial government report – California judge orders next Monsanto weed-killer cancer trial for March – Lawsuit against McDonald’s over Happy Meal toy marketing – Certain diabetes drugs linked to increased risk of lower limb amputation  – The Uncertainty Has Settled (Full film) – Monsanto’s Hidden Hand in Canadian Health Laws – McDonald’s was mijn grootste vriend – Lack of sunspots could bring a ‘Space Age record’ for cold weather, NASA scientist warns – Smartphones creating a mentally fragile generation  – Your heart hates air pollution; portable filters could help – The Genetic Literacy Project  – Rising sea levels may build, rather than destroy, coral reef islands – New study shows an epigenetic link between prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and offspring’s cardio-metabolic health – Statines verhogen het risico op ALS – Warning for synthetic version of stevia sweetener – Extreme male brain theory of autism confirmed in large new study – Gymnema verlaagt de bloedsuikerspiegel – Overtreating patients for hypothyroidism could raise their risk of stroke, study finds  – Coronary calcium levels a better predictor of patients at risk for coronary heart disease  – De longen hebben de grootste behoefte aan glutathion – Can vitamin D prevent the flu? – Do gut bacteria make a second home in our brains? Ga naar de podcast

11-11-2018 Deze week in aflevering 127 Bijdrage Mike en Henk en verder … Soy formula feeding during infancy associated with severe menstrual pain in adulthood  – Vervang wit brood door roggebrood, en word slimmer – Want to avoid Alzheimer’s? Try a darker roast – Alum wins lawsuit against Monsanto for hiding side effects of pesticides – Örebro researchers studied connection between intestinal bacteria and development of diabetes  – Smoking during pregnancy may lead to childhood eye condition  – Insufficient vitamin D could lead to coronary artery diseases in people with diabetes – Brazilian Researchers Link Rise in Colon Cancer to Increase in Pesticide Use  – Discovery of massive volcanic CO2 emissions puts damper on global warming theory – Disrupted circadian rhythms may drive anxiety and exacerbate brain disorders – Violence in childhood leads to accelerated aging, study finds – Phytosterols can impair vitamin D intestinal absorption in vitro and in mice – Vervuilde grond illegaal onder Barneveldse nieuwbouwwijken – Video – Roundup the Biggest Trigger of Autoimmune Conditions Today – GBM Rise Only in Frontal and Temporal Lobes. Ga naar de podcast

04-11-2018 Deze week in aflevering 126 De kennis hersenbarrière bij dogmatische medici – High exposure to radio frequency radiation associated with cancer in male rats – Aggressive Control of BP, Lipids in T2DM May Up Kidney Risk  – Toxicity of formulants and heavy metals in glyphosate-based herbicides and other pesticides – Nutrients may reduce blood glucose levels – Met name haver neemt Roundup heel goed op – Nutrition research is deeply biased by food companies. A new book explains why. – New study found deep sea chemical dispersants ineffective in Deepwater Horizon oil spill  – Pharma company charged over baby feed ‘contamination’  – Effects of olive leave extract on metabolic disorders and oxidative stress induced by 2.45 GHz WIFI signals – Prolonged exposure to blue light from mobile phones can lead to macular degeneration  – Een steeds groter wordend probleem is het aantal mensen dat last krijgt van een allergie voor Rosanne Hertzberger, – Hoe zie ik waarvoor een homeopathisch geneesmiddel gebruikt kan worden? – What is the link between cancer and pesticides? – Chronisch PPI-gebruik verhoogt het risico op ijzerdeficiëntie – Researchers find correlation between showerhead bacteria and lung infections  – Plastablet kan huidkanker bevorderen – Appelciderazijn kan bloedsuikerpieken voorkomen na het eten van een zetmeel rijke maaltijd – New study explains why high carbohydrate diet induces obesity in some but not others – Glyphosate is Genotoxic to Human White Blood Cells at Low Concentrations – Video – Dr David Diamond Destroys the Cholesterol/LDL Lie – Bijdragen Mike en Henk — Ga naar de podcast

28-10-2018 Deze week in aflevering 125: Calcitriol treatment in patients with low vitamin D levels – Eat Liver and Egg Yolks to Prevent a Fatty Liver – Getuigenis vader van slachtoffer baarmoederhalskanker vaccinatie – Former EFSA GMO Panel member says GM Bt crop toxin allergy study is solid  – High levels of toxic fracking chemicals are found in shellfish near former disposal sites  – Gut microbiota products can favor diabetes – Het komt voor in onder andere rundvlees, gevogelte, zalm, eieren, melk, walnoten, mais, rijst, sojabonen en erwten – Late night snacker? Make it cottage cheese – Unique patterns of neural communications found in brains of children with autism – When it comes to respiratory effects of wood smoke, sex matters  – Trump Administration Approves Offshore Oil Drilling Project in Arctic – Recent lawsuit says the chemical cocktail comprising Roundup is more toxic than just glyphosate on its own  – Vaccin victims – Ians voice – Study confirms association between breastfeeding and lower risk of maternal hypertension  – Trump taps ex-Monsanto exec to lead wildlife agency – For the brokenhearted, grief can lead to death  – Ubiquity – Quotes Razende Ronnie —Bijdragen Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

21-10-2018 Deze week in aflevering 124 Astma of ADHD door vieze lucht – Do schools kill creativity? – Modified cotton could be human food source ? – International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields EMF Dr. Martin Blank – Bedrijven financieren onderzoek – One French farmer commits suicide every two days – Schade door bestrijdingsmiddelen – Ziektes bestrijden met goede bacteriën – Long-term gum disease could be a trigger for Alzheimer’s – Rising Estrogen Levels May Cause Common Men’s Hernias – Gaat het CO2 muntje dan eindelijk vallen? – UV light can effectively kill airborne influenza:De enzymen die vitamine D in voeding omzetten in zijn actieve vorm hebben magnesium nodig – Damaged potato tissues accumulate the abnormal amino acid tyramine – Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations – Glyphosate and How to Detox It with Dr. Stephanie Seneff – Quotes Razende Ronnie — Bijdrage luisteraar,  Mike & Henk Ga naar de podcast

14-10-2018 Deze week in aflevering 123: Alle verwijderde tweets van politici – Provocatie-experiment EMV gelukt – Sterk bewijs geleverd voor cruciale rol epstein-barrvirus bij MS – Stellingen – Eén derde van de meest gebruikte chemische stoffen in de EU is illegaal – New study links common herbicides and antibiotic resistance  – New report finds that WiFi radiation is damaging the environment and wildlife  – Glutathione holds the key to managing over 100 autoimmune diseases known today  – E-cigarette additives increase inflammation and impair lung function, study finds  – Investigation exposes vaginal mesh “scandal” – Effect of Electromagnetic Waves from Mobile Phones on Spermatogenesis in the Era of 4G-LTE – Autism is an Acquired Cellular Detoxification Deficiency Syndrome with Heterogeneous Genetic Predisposition – Chemical in plastic ‘raises the risk of premature birth sixfold’, scientists claim – Verbindung zwischen Darmflora und Multipler Sklerose entdeckt  – Higher levels of urinary fluoride associated with ADHD in children  – Fluoride levels in pregnant women in Canada show drinking water is primary source of exposure  – New techniques can detect lyme disease weeks before current tests – SciBabe says eat your pesticides. But who is paying her? – Added Fiber Foods are Fiber Deficient – One of the world’s largest drug makers (GlaxoSmithKline) is paying docs again – Vragen luisteraars – Bijdragen Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

07-10-2018 Deze week in aflevering 122 Does Air Pollution Make You Fat and Pre-Diabetic? – Trump Thinks Radiation Exposure Is Healthy – The Obesogens – What You Need to Know – Depressief door te weinig LDL cholesterol – 5G exposed – Flaxseed oil provides long-lasting pain relief in patients with knee osteoarthritis  – Typical mutations in children of radar soldiers  – De PGB mythe – Dr. Berg talks about the relationship between the gallbladder and the eyes – EPA stocked full of industry insiders – Common painkiller may substantially increase the risk of heart disease – FDA Glyphosate Testing Conspicuously Skips Oats, Wheat Products – Child abuse leaves molecular ‘scars’ in DNA of victims’ sperm – study – Kokosolie overtreft olijfolie bij preventie hart- en vaatziekten – Stellingen – Afstandskinderen – Ziekmakende 5G komt dus uit Israel terwijl daar juist wetenschappers waarschuwen voor de gevaren – Recept voor een klassieke VVD cocktail – Rare Harms Linked to Silicone Implants in New Study – Antibiotic ciprofloxacin has dramatic effects on the mitochondrial genome — antibiotics should be used cautiously  – Lightdranken zijn een ramp voor je darmen – Kun je alle mensen bewuster maken ? — Bijdragen luisteraars — Bijdragen Mike en Henk. Ga naar de podcast

30-09-2018 Deze week in aflevering 121 Bijdragen Mike en Henk — Ron over — De farmaceutische industrie haalt alle trucs uit de kast  – Serum selenium levels are associated with age-related cataract – New glue developed at Purdue could make millions of medical procedures safer, less invasive for patients – Vitamin D supplements may promote weight loss in obese children – Irish researchers find vitamin D link to breast cancer survival – Statines verhogen dus maag- en darmbloedingen – The Truth About Mobile Phones and Wireless Radiation – Dr. Devra Davis – Zeeuwen gaan strijd aan met wereldwijde medicijnenproducent – Stelling – Longkankerscreening met CT voorkomt 1 longkankerdode bij 2000 gescreende rokers ten koste van 7 achteraf onnodige chirurgische ingrepen  – Gene named “SCoAL” found in GMO food has been detected in chromosomes of people from China – Video – Xarelto Lawsuits Stack Up As Medication Found To Cause Excessive Bleeding – Hernia mesh complications affect more than 100,000 – People with fibromyalgia have inflammation of the brain  – Antibiotics destroy immune cells and worsen oral infection – Lage dosis bestraling veroorzaakt meer schade dan verwacht – Giftige dampen verspreiden zich in het vliegtuig – Afvalbedrijf Vink eerder veroordeeld door rechter voor opslag kunstgrasmatten – De klassieker. Waarom nog nooit aangetoond is dat kankerscreening levens redt. – Documents reveal Canadian teenager target of GMO lobby – Geen transparantie over vergoedingen in Europarlement  – Stelling – Why I think antidepressants cause more harm than good – Glyphosate Industry Fails to Stop US Funding for Global Cancer Agency Ga naar de podcast

23-09-2018 Deze week in aflevering 120 Opnieuw is een grote farmaceut betrokken bij grote fraude zaak in de VS – stelling – Cochrane Collaboration expels co-founder splitting board and prompting walkout – Big research payments in radiation oncology are distributed only to a few – Informatie over bijwerkingen Mexicaanse griep-vaccin achtergehouden – Ibuprofen found to raise blood pressure in people with arthritis and cardiovascular issues  – The BMJ questions transparency of information surrounding safety of Pandemrix vaccine – As for the data behind the HPV vaccines, it’s a question of whether anyone has seen the full data set. – Drijfmest brengt diergeneesmiddelen in milieu – De lange arm van Monsanto – Aspirine voorkomt hart- en vaatziekten niet – Vrouwen dubbel zoveel kans op kanker door alcohol – Ginger alleviates hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress – Ministerie trekt miljoenen uit voor schikkingen na vaccin Mexicaanse griep – Chemical in cigarette smoke may damage important aspect of vision – Grapperhaus was advocaat van ING en …. – Burocratische waanzin, id nodig voor kleuter in de zorg – De biologische effecten veroorzaakt door aluminium-bevattende vaccinadjuvantia – Czech Republic to restrict use of glyphosate weedkiller (terwijl Zwitserland toegelaten dosis wil verhogen) – Household cleaning products may contribute to kids’ overweight by altering their gut microbiota  – Paracetamol use in infancy is linked to increased risk of asthma in some teenagers – Air pollution affects thyroid development in fetuses, USC research finds — Vraag luisteraar over Agenda 21 — Bijdragen Mike en Henk Q Anon en meer … Ga naar de podcast

16-06-2018 Deze week in aflevering 119 Linktax wet DDR 2.0 – Banaan – Glucose – Misbruik van macht en status gaat vaak samen met misbruik van kinderen – Overlijden Charles Claessens – Kromspraak – Alternatieven voor BPA net zo ongezond  – NAC en artrose – Study shows toxic effects of oil dispersant on oysters following Deepwater Horizon spill  – BPA exposure in US-approved levels may alter insulin response in non-diabetic adults – The HPV Vaccine On Trial – Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed – No evidence high cholesterol causes heart disease, say doctors – Hoog cholesterol beschermt ook mannen tegen Parkinson – Eating gluten could make you DEPRESSED – Artificial sweeteners may not be as safe as they seem – FDA considering ban on flavored e-cigarettes – Heel Holland Hoest – Maitake/C en blaaskanker – Compactere broodstructuur beter in preventie van diabetes – Prozac may be driving the antibiotic-resistance crisis  – Senator Paschal Mooney (Fianna Fáil) noemt het Ierse HPV-vaccinatieprogramma een nationale schande Ga naar de podcast

09-09-2018 Deze week in aflevering 118: Immuunsysteem slaat op hol na ernstig ongeval – The Effects of Pesticides on Human Health and the Environment – Bayer opens state-of-the-art seed processing facility in Ukraine – Deze twee paddenstoelen schakelen het humaan papillomavirus uit – Farmaceutische experimenten op kinderen – Willoze proefkonijnen – Prof. Olle Johansson – Electromagnetic Waves, EMF Radiation and Health Effects – Statins don’t reduce cardiovascular disease or death in healthy over 75s – Crew krijgt Parkinson van insectenspray bij lange vluchten – Local Limits on Spraying Monsanto’s Toxic Weed Killer in Parks. – Sleep Apnea Is a Nutritional Deficiency – They Spray Us Like Bugs – J. Marvin Herndon, PhD – Kids who sleep more get better grades – Common pesticide inhibits brain development in frogs  – Hormone therapy can make prostate cancer worse, study finds – Painkiller diclofenac linked to increased heart risks in study – Werkzame stof in pesticide Monsanto veroorzaakt depressies en angststoornissen bij proefdieren, zit dus o.a. in tarwe, haver etc Stellingen – Monsanto’s Dicamba herbicide is worse than glyphosate – Diabetic drug linked to flesh eating bacteria in the genitals – Glutathione stimulates vitamin D regulatory genes. Bijdrage luisteraar – Henk en Mike Ga naar de podcast

02-09-2018 Deze week in aflevering Het verhaal van een kokosoliedomme professor – Sesame Seeds Reduce Inflammation in Knee Osteoarthritis – The more pesticides bees eat, the more they like them – Patients with type 2 diabetes and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy had significantly lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels – Secret Ingredients – E. coli strain from retail poultry may cause urinary tract infections in people  – Low-dose aspirin too risky for most people, studies find – Women who live near parks are less likely to develop breast cancer – but farms INCREASE the risk – The former Monsanto Company manufactured DDT from 1944 until 1957, when it ceased production for economic reasons. – Mother’s Pesticide Exposure Linked to Autism in her Children – DDT Linked to Fourfold Increase in Breast Cancer Risk – Silent spring – Long-term use of multivitamins and risk of colorectal adenoma in women – Jaarrapporten bijwerkingen vaccins – Autisme en aluminium – Veiligheid vaccins in het geding – National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – Video – The 5G Rollout Is Absolutely Insane – Dr Martin Pall – Hoge schadevergoeding voor kind met hersenschade door BMR vaccin – Additive that makes cheese spreadable raises a person’s blood pressure and heart rate  – Snacking on almonds is the best way to compensate for skipping breakfast, study of students reveals – Here’s how your diet can impact your dandruff status – Statin Exposure Associated With Idiopathic Inflammatory Myositis – Video – Anthony Samsel on Vaccines contaminated with Glyphosate – Mystery in the Fields — Bijdrage luisteraar — Bijdragen Mike en Henk met o.a het laatste Q Anon nieuws Ga naar de podcast

26-08-2018 Deze week in aflevering 116 Brief aan de FCC van Dr Yael Stein in verzet tegen de spectrumgrenzen voor 5G zendmasten – Eet vezelrijke producten om de effecten van stress op de darmen en gedrag te verminderen – Mary Enig On Saturated & Trans Fats – Earth’s magnetic field could FLIP sooner than previously thought – Risk of heart attacks is double for daily e-cigarette users – Antibiotic side effects in kids lead to nearly 70,000 ER visits in the US each year  – New research uncovers ‘one of the tobacco industry’s greatest scams’  – Overprescribed Arthritis Drug Linked To HIGHER RISK Of Autoimmune Disease – Risk of Parkinson’s disease increases with statin drug use  – Study finds drinking water with food causes blood sugar to spike  – New study shows encouraging correlations between a high Omega-3 Index and depression  – When you consume vegetable oils the linoleic acid accumulates in LDL making your LDL particles more susceptible to oxidation. I cover how omega-6 vegetable oils increases the risk of numerous chronic diseases in SUPERFUEL – Ebook Pall over 5G en gezondheid – The lies of Monsanto minions & front groups that Whitewash author Carey Gillam was sacked from Reuters – Slachtoffers in Sri Lanka openen de aanval op Bayer & Monsanto vanwege doden door pesticide – Trump versoepelt milieu-eisen voor kolencentrales – HPV jab doesn’t protect against some of the most common strains of it  – Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Multiple Sclerosis – New study finds link between miscarriages, birthdefect and weedkiller Bijdrage Mike en Henk — Geen bijdrage luisteraars Ga naar de podcast

19-08-2018 Deze week in aflevering 115: Tijd voor nieuwe hashtag voor slachtoffers pesticides – #MonsanToo – Using mushrooms as a prebiotic may help improve glucose regulation – Pesticide Damage to DNA Found ‘Programmed’ Into Future Generations – New pesticide may harm bees as much as those to be replaced – Reanimatie TTIP ten gunste van VS – What the Frack is Donald Trump Talking About? – Insecticide DDT may increase autism risk in babies – Dankzij pesticide van Monsanto heeft de VS naast serial killers nu ook cereal killers die zich speciaal richten op kinderen – The NEW Unproven and Unsafe Aluminum Adjuvant Alternative – Children exposed to tobacco fumes are just as likely to develop agonising arthritis as smokers  – Roundup for Breakfast? – Uitrol 5G is gigantisch gezondheidsexperiment – E-cigarette vapor tied to changes in lung cells – Benzodiazepines are associated with increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease  – Nieuwe stellingen – Bijdrage luisteraar – bijdragen Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

12-08-2018 Deze week in aflevering 114: Smartphone blue light affects your vision by wearing down retina – Dietary carbohydrates could lead to osteoarthritis, new study finds  – Drinking tart cherry juice for just five days boosts a person’s gut health due to its antioxidants  – Stale cockpit air may be affecting your pilot’s performance  – Chemicals in acrylic and gel nails are causing an allergy epidemic, charity warns  – Blocking sunlight to cool the Earth will not work – Ondergedoken en weggepeste klokkenluider EU spreekt – Italy relaxes its laws on mandatory childhood vaccinations  – Link between appendicitis and allergies discovered  – Parents’ smoking and depression linked to increased ADHD risk in children  – The effect of milk consumption on acne – Koelvest – Zelfs beetje luchtvervuiling tast het hart aan – Children’s sunscreen contains hidden nanoparticle ingredients – Exposure to 5G Small Cell Towers Can Cause Excessive Sweating – Alcohol can have a confusing effect on blood sugar levels because it prevents the liver from producing glucose – VS schrappen verbod op pesticiden gelinkt aan bijensterfte – Update ivm censuur — Bijdrage luisteraar — Bijdragen Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

05-08-2018 Geen uitzending

29-07-2018 Deze week in aflevering 113 DNA dieet – Minister tells tobacco firm to stop promoting device as ‘alternative to smoking’ – De regenmaker van Wilhelm Reich en het experiment in Israel – Klimaatveranderingen zijn van alle tijden, luchtvervuiling is echter wel van deze tijd waarbij grootvervuilers vrij spel krijgen – DowDuPont’s Own Scientists Confirm Critical Differences Between Gene-Editing and Conventional Plant Breeding Techniques – Argentina: Post-Glyphosate Pioneers – ARTE – Turmeric-derived eye drops could treat glaucoma – Curcumin combined with boswellic acid scientifically shown to be a treatment for patients with osteoarthritis – Depression and antidepressants are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism – 4 Ways to Decalcify Arteries – Europees Hof remt kwekers vanwege genetische modificatie – Parasite from pet cats makes people more likely to start a business  – Children are being harmed by food additives, US pediatric association warns – Glyphosate-based herbicide impairs female fertility – new study  – Top contraceptive implant is pulled from US market as 16,000 women sue  – Two drinks a month during pregnancy raises children’s risk of low IQs – Adding sugar to your tea increases risk of Alzheimer’s by 33%  – What is adverse effect of Wireless Local Area Network, using 2.45?GHz, on the reproductive system? – Steunpunt MeshedUp  – Draadloze telefoons vergroten bijnieren (dus meer stress) proefdieren, omega 3 vetten remmen dit af – Hoe langer je mobiel belt hoe minder concentratie op zaken door effecten in hippocampus (kortetermijn geheugen en oriëntatie) Goede vragen van een luisteraar  — Bijdrage Mike & Henk Ga naar de podcast

22-07-2018 Deze week in aflevering 112 In rats, perinatal exposure to phthalates impairs brain structure and function  – How Infection Causes Diabetes – Genetically modified children – Mania patients more likely to have eaten nitrate-cured meats – Effect of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFS) from mobile phones on nickel release from orthodontic brackets – Kwart meer betalingen van medische industrie aan dokters – The beam of light that heals bed sores and ulcers  – Pregnant women who heat up food in plastic containers and wear perfume may be inflicting long-term damage on their unborn child’s brain development. – Potential DNA Damage from CRISPR Seriously Underestimated – Video – Benefits of Brewers Yeast for Diabetes – Omega 3 fatty acids could prevent spread of cancer – The brain may clean out Alzheimer’s plaques during sleep – Low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective  – Sulforaphane clears Amyloid-beta and Tau in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease – Israeli study finds positive emotions may shrink cancer tumors – Anna Kruyswijk vertelt wat te doen is aan de te traag werkende schildklier bijdrage Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

15-07-2018 Deze week in aflevering 111 E-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and heart – Een verstoord dag-nachtritme zorgt ervoor dat onze spieren insuline niet goed kunnen verwerken – Afbraak en uitscheiding van B6 – Curry powder could fight cancer by slowing the growth of tumours  – Hope for menopausal women – Scientists find how to banish hot flashes – Single injection could cure both obesity AND type 2 diabetes without any side effects, study finds – Is the U.S. Doing Nestlé’s Dirty Work Against Breastfeeding at the UN? – Rats fed GM stacked-trait maize developed leaky stomachs  – From corn to flake – Health-promoting phenolic acids lost during food processing  – Shell Trading Rotterdam, BP Oil International en Chevron leveren giftige olie aan Afrika – Is it time to legislate Man-Made Vitreous Fibre (MMVF), mineral wool – Artsen worden bijgeschoold door reclamebureaus – Gender-bending chemical may cause inflammatory bowel disease  – Non-nutritive sweeteners possess a bacteriostatic effect and alter gut microbiota in mice – RIVM: Kindervaccinaties kunnen hersenvliesontsteking veroorzaken – Lentils significantly reduce blood glucose levels, study reveals – Gifproducent Syngenta las ‘ter goedkeuring’ mee met Wagenings onderzoek – Milde slaapproblemen en bloeddrukverhoging bij vrouwen — verder het wereld nieuws met Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

07-07-2018 Deze week geen uitzending wegens vakantie op Kaapverdië met langzaam internet [G3]. We zijn bij het Casa Tamor avontuur van de families Molenaar en Beerens, waarvan de laatste kennissen zijn. Zij doen mee aan de TV serie; “Helemaal het einde”. Zoals altijd kijk ik met andere ogen naar de wereld als velen . Hier mijn reisverslag

01-07-2018 Deze week in aflevering 110: Autistic People Do Want to Socialize – Aluminum Toxicity – DETOXIFY – Remission of pre-diabetes to normal glucose tolerance in obese adults – The Effects of Cell Phones and Bluetooth on Nerve Function – MRI scans may release toxic mercury from dental fillings  – Whitewash – The story of a weed killer, cancer, and the corruption of science.” – Into the center of the virulent controversy about the safety of vaccines – Selenium supplementation lowers insulin resistance and markers of cardio-metabolic risk in patients with congestive heart failure – Carrying extra fat around your waistline cuts your vitamin D levels – Cabin crew have a higher risk of ALL cancers, Harvard study finds  – Chemicals in non-stick pans get into drinking water and may cause cancer, report warns – Sommige vaccins maken virussen gevaarlijker – Bee propolis found to be effective at slowing the spread of colon cancer, study finds – Hoe chronische stress je leven verkort – NAC, glutathion en autisme – Rhubarb shows promise for treating chronic liver disease  — Reacties luisteraars — Oostenrijk ook de grenzen bewaken – Rutte EU carriers – Gaat het Q spel beginnen in juli – EU “machtsblok” — video the last battle Ga naar de podcast

24-06-2018 Deze week in aflevering 109 Chemotherapy can actually trigger the spread of cancer in adjacent areas, science confirms  – Nieuwe aanwijzing dat herpesvirus een rol speelt in Alzheimer – Consuming more than 5 alcoholic drinks per week increases your risk of oral cancer – Toothpaste could give you type 2 diabetes – Exposure to fracking chemicals and wastewater promotes fat cell development – Scientists Studying Brain Stimulation as Possible Diabetes Treatment – Absorption of wireless radiation in the child versus adult brain and eye from cell phone – Toothpaste and hand wash are causing antibiotic resistance  – Obama bilderberg hoax – Oxidative stress in rats exposed to microwave radiation – Gum disease associated with high blood pressure  – Gerard won rechtszaak tegen farmaciereus – Preclinical study finds stevia is comparable to antibiotics in the treatment of Lyme disease  -CLASSIC wristwatches have been linked to cancer due to the fact they emit radiation, researchers have warned. – Bijdragen luisteraars – Illegale vluchtelingen VS – Seksnetwerk in de media – Anti meme wetgeving – fracking – Marokaanse criminaliteit – Rutte naar Trump – Het Islam probleem en meer Ga naar de podcast

17-05-2018 Deze week in aflevering ADHD drugs may fuel obesity in children  – EU negeert Nederland – geen andere meetmethode sigaretten – A leading professor from Canada is calling for large scale studies into the link between mesh and autoimmune diseases – Injectable Progestin-Only Contraceptives May Increase Risk for VTE – CRISPR-Edited Cells Linked to Cancer Risk in 2 Studies – A third of Americans are on drugs that could make them depressed – and they probably don’t know it – Smoking clogs up parts of the brain crucial for memory  – Gut instinct may have been the GPS of human ancestors  – Does Alcohol Destroy The Good Bacteria In Your Mouth? – Vitamin C trialled as life-saving treatment intensive care patients with sepsis  – Fedup – Het effect van zonnestormen op stress, zelfmoord – Applying tea tree oil extracts to surgical tools could kill deadly bugs – Ayurvedic doctors believe that your digestion is strongest in the middle of the day, so lunch should be your biggest meal. – O Anon – Trump bezoek Noord Korea – GEO politiek en veel wetenswaardigheden. Ga naar de podcast

Vandaag hebben we de voorbereidingen gemaakt om eventueel ook live te kunnen uitzenden vanuit de SLOG studio in geval wij dit nodig achten met de gebeurtenissen in de wereld. Voor dit doel hebben we een YouTube stream opgezet. Via de sociale media van mij Ron en Mike kunnen we een ieder op de hoogte brengen als we live gaan. Dit is al vast de link: livestream YouTube live stream

10-06-2018 Deze week in aflevering 107: Waarom is roken slecht voor het hart? – Is your high blood sugar caused by electromagnetic hypersensitivity? – Why beige carbs are the ones to avoid –  Low-carb diets have been around for a while but did you know the colour of the carbs you eat also matters.  – Fish oil supplements may soothe the pain of cancer treatments, says new research  – Dogs trigger release of dopamine in the same way as our children – Parkinson’s – Vitamin B3 has a positive effect on damaged nerve cells – The headphones that could help ease hot flushes – More than 10 million Americans are likely taking the wrong drugs for heart health – Loneliness is bad for the heart – The health effect of air pollution from traffic – How does alcohol influence the development of Alzheimer’s disease? – Light exposure during sleep may increase insulin resistance – One in every 5 deaths in young adults is opioid-related in the United States – Neuroinflammation – Klinghardt – Inflammation in mother tied to child’s brain function, behavior – Can birth control pills make teens depressed? – More than 8 million children now on mind-altering psychiatric medication – Bijdragen luisteraars & Mike en Henk.Ga naar de podcast

03-06-2018 Deze week in aflevering 106: De douane werkt innig samen met de tabaksindustrie – Cancer risk? 5G wireless speeds could be dangerous – Antwoorden op vragen over artikel ‘Weedkiller products more toxic than their active ingredient, tests show’ – Spontaan vet verliezen door suppletie met oleoylethanolamide – Unavoidable chemical used in soap and toothpaste could leave you battling bowel cancer  – Vaping E-cigarettes highly addictive and leads to smoking cigarettes health experts warn – Infection rates after colonoscopy, endoscopy at US specialty centers are far higher than expected  – Zinc deficiency and its predictive capacity for anaemia – Ban cartoon characters on unhealthy food, MPs say  – The roll out of 5G wireless service is ‘a massive health experiment’  – People who wear glasses really ARE smarter – Wat is Neu5Gc? – Gluconeogenese. – Chemours kan rekening voor verspreiding GenX verwachten – Hoe de voedingsindustrie je belazerd met toegevoegde vezels – Unileverproducten helemaal niet gezond – Steeds meer mensen ervaren vage, onverklaarde gezondheidsklachten op kantoor en school – Kids who drink orange juice in the morning ‘have a higher obesity risk’ – Chronic exposure to ELF-EMF is similar to physiological stress – Diepe hersenstimulatie kan glucosemetabolisme beïnvloeden – Dr. Robert Lustig The Hacking of the American Mind + Reacties luisteraars en de bijdragen van Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

27-05-2018 Deze week in aflevering 105 geen gezondheid nieuws met Ron maar wel al het GEO politieke nieuws met MH 17 – MH 370 – Noord Korea top afgezegd – Verkiezingen Italie – Q Anon – AVG wetgeving – Nieuws detox – De psychiatrische matrix – Bijdragen luisteraars Ga naar de uitzending

20-05-2018 Geen uitzending vanwege vakantie

13-05-2018 Deze week in aflevering 104 Eating MORE food could help you lose weight – Tientallen huizen te dicht bij hoogspanningskabels onder de grond – Vaccines Cause Toxic Overload | Dr. Stephanie Seneff  – Vetten uit olijfolie en noten beschermen en verjongen bloedvaten – Luchtvervuiling is niet alleen schadelijk voor de fysieke maar ook voor de mentale gezondheid – Wanneer worden de criminele pleitbezorgers van statines nu eens gestraft? – Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment ‘should be withdrawn’  – Ointment made with CURRY POWDER could cure erection problems  – Texas A&M study links breast cancer to the body’s internal clock  – Heart failure – The Alzheimer’s disease of the heart?  – Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health – Why You Need Salt for Better Protein Digestion – Large Spanish study finds higher rate of pneumonia in vaccinated group (Pfizer’s Prevnar 13) – Hersendode jongen (13) ontwaakt nadat procedure orgaandonatie al gestart is – Regular fast food eating linked to fertility issues in women – Walnuts impact gut microbiome and improve health  | Bijdrage van de luisteraars Mike en Henk … Ga naar de podcast

06-05-2018 Deze week in aflevering 103: Sharp rise in aggressive brain cancer linked to mobile phones  – Unilever verantwoordelijk voor obesitas-epidemie – Use of ibuprofen and similar NSAIDs may shorten life of patients  – Big Pharma nemen ‘onafhankelijke’ gezondheidswebsites over – Statins could increase form of motor neurone disease risk – Samenwerking dietisten, suikerindustrie, frisdrank, australië – People raised in cities without pets at risk from mental illness  – A bandage soaked in vinegar could help stop wound infections  – UNICEF ‘muted’ on tobacco control for children  – New lab study reveals how breast cancer drug can accelerate cancer cell growth  – Een stof in olijven imiteert in spierweefsel de werking van insuline – Treatment With Diabetes Drugs Causes Early Worsening of Renal Function  – Is treatment making it worse? DNA damage to brain cells can be caused by nanoparticles from medical treatments – Dark chocolate improves your eye sight  – Garlic can slash the risk of cancer conclude scientists  – Music activates regions of the brain spared by Alzheimer’s disease  – Herziening van de veilig bevonden hoeveelheden aluminium in kindervaccins is nodig – De laatste plaatjes – Bijdrage luisteraars – Mike en Henk Ga naar de podcast

29-04-2018 Deze week in aflevering 102: Deze wetenschappers waarschuwen voor de gevolgen van electromagnetische straling – Light from energy saving LED’s may be giving us cancer – Study surprisingly finds higher cortisol levels in summer than in winter – Selenium supplementation ameliorates electromagnetic field-induced oxidative stress in the HEK293 cells – Antidepressants and bladder medicines linked to dementia – CDA en Groenlinks vinden dus weer belang van falende artsen belangrijker dan de patiënt – Behavioral differences between Northern v. Southern Chinese linked to wheat v. rice farming, study shows  – How much can a ‘broken heart’ hurt grieving spouses?  – E-cigarettes are being sold as ‘edgy lifestyle devices’  – New studies show dark chocolate consumption reduces stress and inflammation  – Music lessens pain and anxiety in patients undergoing surgery  – Commonly prescribed heartburn drug linked to pneumonia in older adults – Drinking baking soda could be an inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease – How bacteria are changing your mood – Vitamin A derivative selectively kills liver cancer stem cells  – Fetal exposure to moderate/high caffeine levels linked to excess childhood weight gain  – New hope for treating diabetic wounds that just won’t heal  – Growing evidence that probiotics are good for your liver  – Why zero-calorie sweeteners can still lead to diabetes, obesity  – Asthma and hay fever linked to increased risk of psychiatric disorders – Take Apple Cider Vinegar for Iron-Deficient Anemia – RFR emitted from mobile phones has a potential to produce DNA damage in follicle cells of hair in the ear canal – Cell phone level RF-EMF disrupts human skin microbiota – Sports sponsorships may be contributing to childhood obesity, study says – Vitamin D deficiency linked to greater risk of diabetes – Mike over Q anon en Trump, de andere onderwerpen vielen buiten de boot door tijdgebrek lees onderaan de pagina bij bijdrage Henk  Ga naar de podcast

22-04-2018 Deze week in aflevering 101 Junk food linked to arthritis – Bescherm kinderen meer tegen magnetische velden – ZEMBLA – Journalist Ton van der Ham opgepakt in UMC Utrecht – Wireless Radiation Health Effects – Monsanto’s Toxische Trukendoos – Oekraïense plofkip wordt in Nederland omgekat via maas in Oekraïne-akkoord – High concentrations of fluorinated chemical GenX found in watershed – Levensverwachting VS daalt tweede jaar op rij – Caloriearme zoetstof verhoogt vetopstapeling in cel – Pesticides Are Making Children Aggressive – Top medical journals accused of skewing research by raking in millions of dollars in ‘bribes’ -Mobile phone specific electromagnetic fields induce transient DNA damage  – Mediterranean diet improves gut microbe diversity, cuts hospitalisation – Air pollution increases risk of Alzheimer’s and suicide by five – Killing For Profit – at the European Parliament ! #LCHF – Gluten Brain: Wheat Cuts Off Blood Flow To Frontal Cortex en verder reactie luisteraar – Trum – Q Anon – Lokale politiek – 5G en veel meer Ga naar de podcast

15-04-2018 > week 15 > Deze week: Hormone imbalance causes treatment-resistant hypertension  – Certain iron supplements may influence the development of colon cancer  – WIFI en HART-monitor (experiment) – Stop met Facebook, verlaag je cortisol – Tinned tuna contains up to 100 times more zinc than is safe  – How intestinal bacteria can affect your blood sugar and lipid levels – Partner Ollongren / Irene van den Brekel / Lubach – Luchtvervuiling glucose diabetes fijnstof – Dermatoloog stelt dat hormoonzalf tegen eczeem het alleen maar erger maakt – Antidepressiva gebruik moeder heeft invloed op ontwikkeling emotioneel gebied hersenen baby – Nieuwe klevende patch die glucose spiegel via zweet kan meten – Voedselverpakking kan negatief doorwerken op opname voedingsstoffen – Our Food System – An Invisible Form of Oppression – Reacties lezers en de bijdragen van Mike en Henk in nader te bepalen volgorde. Ga naar de podcast

08-01-2018 > 15 > Deze week in aflevering 99: Another way we’re being dumbed-down – Stress found to interfere with learning regions of the brain  – Nanoparticles may cause DNA damage to brain cells across a cellular barrier  – Fructose-induced Inflammation and Increased Cortisol – Het anti-AGE-ing-effect van olijfolie – Video – Leptin & Insulin Resistance, Fat Loss w/ Jason Fung, MD – OTC meds for acid reflux linked to depression – Proton Pump Inhibitors  – Video footage shows how vitamin B1 cured the tremors of two patients  – Timing of stress-hormone pulses controls weight gain, Stanford study finds  – Long-term caffeine worsens symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease  – Vegetables may help protect elderly women from hardening of neck arteries – Babies given antibiotics and antacids are up to 400% more likely to develop allergies – Bandage made with protein found in baby skin speeds up wound healing and doesn’t leave any scarring – Modern LED street lights ‘damage people’s eyesight and dazzle motorists’ – Is HPV a ‘Manufactured Crisis?’ A New Documentary Explores Just That.- Overheid liegt opnieuw over schaliegas in de Tweede kamer deze week. Op 1 na waren alle partijen tegen zware vervuilende schaliegas boringen. Alleen FvD was voor. – New research finds common herbicides cause antibiotic resistance – reacties luisteraars en nog wat tijd voor … ehh Trump, Poetin en Q anon Ga naar de podcast

01-04-2018 > 14 > In aflevering 98: Yeast in Vaccines Tied to Autoimmune Diseases – Vitamin C Might Help Treat Multiple Sclerosis  – Dining out raises your risk of exposure to ‘gender bending’ chemicals  – Cognitieve gedragstherapie voor ME/CVS patiënten werkt niet – Het onderzoek toont verband tussen chronisch moeheidssyndroom en de lagere niveaus van het schildklierhormoon – Diabetes type 2 warning – high blood sugar symptoms ‘caused by not brushing your teeth’ – 72-year-old craft business owner found her itching was due to a vitamin deficiency – Human stem cell treatments could be a cure for alcoholism – Music lessons improve children’s cognitive skills and academic performance  – Up to 38 percent of all annual childhood asthma cases in Bradford may be caused by air pollution  – CETA – Secret committee on pesticides meets in Ottawa on March 26–27 – Do Statins Contribute to Cancer Recurrence? – A noisy workplace might affect your heart – Sterke toename van agressieve hersenkanker in Engeland – Low vitamin D levels linked to autism, study says – Bijdrage luisteraars – Het laatste politieke nieuws uit de VS – Nederland – Q Anon – Pedofilie en meer …. Ga naar de podcast

25-03-2018 > 13 > In aflevering 97 Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants – Certain diabetes drugs may be linked to increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease – Vitamin D requires magnesium – You can take supplements but still stay deficient in D if your magnesium levels are too low  – Beetroots may help in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease  – Certain pain medications linked to increased heart risks  – Statin Use May Accelerate Disease Onset in Rheumatoid Arthritis Susceptible Populations – Too Much Medicine & The Great Statin Con – Dr Aseem Malhotra – Chronic fatigue syndrome possibly explained by lower levels of key thyroid hormones – Artificial sweeteners raise the risk of developing type 2 diabetes  – Revolutionary new filter can improve drinking water quality – Tooth health may indicate diabetes risk  – Stem cells treat macular degeneration – Is your deodorant making you ill?  – Chemical in sugar may cause diabetes by derailing metabolism – Study shows omega-3 levels better predictors of death risk than serum cholesterol – Artificial sweetener Splenda could intensify symptoms in those with Crohn’s disease. Verder Trump en Q anon nieuws, referendum sleepwet, de Nederlandse verkiezingen en meer …. Ga naar de podcast

18-03-2017 > 12 > In aflevering 96 What is the Dawn Phenomenon? – Als internet giganten inkomsten afnemen van alternatieve media dan hun inkomsten afnemen met adblockers – 93% van onderzochte waterflesjes bevat plastic deeltjes – De erfenis van Mark Rutte – belangenbehartiger van multinationals – European authorities violated own rules to conclude glyphosate is not carcinogenic – Heat not burn smokeless tobacco product may not be as harm free as claimed  – Babies fed soy-based formula have changes in reproductive system tissues – New Study Links Glyphosate to Shortened Pregnancy Lengths in American Women – Verzadigd vet in kaas verlaagt kans op #diabetes 2 – Dentists keep dying of this lung disease. The CDC can’t figure out why. – Diabetes GENE discovery sparks hope for ‘personalised treatment’ – Hoe een laag cholesterol tot zelfmoord kan leiden – Vitamin C may induce Tumor Dormancy – Welke medicatie zorgt ieder jaar voor miljoenen ziekenhuisopnames ? — bijdrage luisteraars — Q anon Trump en de STORM ……. GA NAAR DE PODCAST

11-03-2018 > 11 > In aflevering 95 US cancer network recommending expensive drugs based on weak evidence – Curcumin, a component of the spice turmeric, may be able to reverse some of the effects of Gulf War illness (GWI), according to a new study – Over-the-counter acid reflux drugs could cause depression  – The enemy within – Gut bacteria drive autoimmune disease  – Big tobacco is targeting the world’s most vulnerable to increase profits  – Fiber-fermenting bacteria improve health of type 2 diabetes patients – Commercial pesticides – Not as safe as they seem – Monsanto concealed effects of toxic chemical for decades, Ohio AG alleges – Look out Big Pharma – Alternative treatment of depression gaining popularity – Electromagnetische straling verlaagt ontgiftende stof glutathion in de lever – Rewarding the Companies That Cheated the Most in Antidepressant Trials  – More evidence that medical ‘education’ has been captured by industry – Nepnieuws in een zwaar gesponsord Becel blaadje – Plus – Feeling anxious? Blame the size of your waistline! – Vitamine C bevordert remyelinisatie van zenuwbanen – High cholesterol in late life may mean better brain health – Potato-derived prebiotic shows insulin resistance benefits in study – De ontmanteling van de deep state en meer …. ga naar de podcast

04-03-2018 > 10 > In aflevering 94: Bowel cancer patients should eat nuts, suggest study – Gluten free diet nearly eliminates nerve pain for some – Switching from saline in IVs could save tens of thousands – How a heavy comforter could treat insomnia and anxiety – Call for pesticides ban after risks to bees confirmed – Fish oil and probiotic supplements in pregnancy may reduce risk of childhood allergies – Pesticides are accumulated in the fat tissue – Oostvaardersplassen drama – Amylose is a type of resistant starch, meaning it isn’t well-digested and absorbed in the small intestine. – Diabetes drug use during pregnancy linked to child’s weight  – Standing desks increase pain and slow down mental ability – Psychiatrist Says – More Psychiatry Means More Shootings  – Years of depression linked to brain inflammation – Researchers find low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective – Is 5G technology dangerous? Early data shows a slight increase of tumors in male rats exposed to cellphone radiation – Pattern of risks of rheumatoid arthritis among patients using statins Mike over de GEO politiek en meer … ga naar de podcast

2 > 5-02-2018 > 9 > In aflevering 93 Turmeric effectively eases sports injuries  – E-cigarette users at risk of brain and heart damage – John Naish disagrees with study says antidepressants work – Cutting out MSG significantly eases pain, study finds – Hoe emulgatoren in creme je huidbarriere verzwakken – De Griekse beerput van het Novartis-schandaal – Zorginstituut is ‘chantage’ door farmabedrijven zat – Is depression a physical illness? – Poor gut health could affect memory – Wie zijn de farmaceuten die miljoenen families verwoest hebben met pijnmedicatie? – School Shooters Under The Influence Of Psychiatric Drugs – Waarom is tarwe zo uniek slecht voor een mens? – Bescherming tegen electromagnetische velden vermindert auto immuunziektes – Schoonmakers lopen chronische schade aan longen op  – Teflon pannen kunnen je dikker maken door hormoonverstoorder PFAS – Een kritische weerman die het wel snapt – Welke medicatie maakt je dikker? – De artsen bleven vragen om organen, het leek wel koehandel – bijdrage luisteraars – Mike en Henk …. ga naar de podcast

18-02-2018 > 8 > In aflevering 92 Afscheid van Facebook – EFSA negeerde bewijs dat ratten nierziekte en galstenen kregen van GMO mais – Griepmedicijn Tamiflu kan voor hallucinaties en zelfmoordgedachten zorgen – Hoe stoffen zoals teflon je metabolisme verstoren en obesitas veroorzaken – 1 suikerrijke frisdrank per dag verlaagt al je vruchtbaarheid – Bekende medicatie zoals valium, codeine en beta-blockers vergroten kans op beroerte – More than 12 million US women are living with depression – Ketone drink could help diabetics by lowering blood sugar – The end of yo-yo dieting? Monash researchers uncover brain switch that controls fat burning  – De opinie brief over orgaandonaties die gecensureerd werd door een huisartsenblad – Mouse study adds to evidence linking gut bacteria and obesity  – Schijn van belangenverstrengeling rond Lelystad Airport – Alcohol damages the brain more than cannabis, study finds — bijdragen luisteraars – GEO politiek met Mike en meer ……. ga naar de podcast

11-02-2018 > 7 > In aflevering 91: Flu spreading through the air can be KILLED using UV lamps  – Sunflower oil consumption linked to liver damage in rats – Over-the-counter painkillers ‘can influence emotions’ – Specific gut bacteria reverse autism-like behavior in mice – Andrew Kniss was offered money by Monsanto – DuPont covered up the health risks of Teflon  – Diet may influence the spread of a deadly type of breast cancer, study finds – Research suggests vapers are vulnerable to pneumonia – Risky Antipsychotic Drugs Still Overprescribed In Nursing Homes – Changes in mouse breast tissue after exposure to fracking chemicals – Can Climate Models Predict Climate Change? – De andere kant van griepvaccin pusher Osterhaus – Corn Syrup Lobbyist Is Helping Set USDA Dietary Guidelines – Plastic chemical linked to male infertility in majority of teenagers – Teenage antidepressants ‘doing more harm than good’  – IQOS scam, Philip Morris – Laten we de zaken eens omdraaien politici in Den Haag – bijdragen luisteraars – en dan nog de Trump revolutie en meer …. ga naar de podcast

04-02-2018 > 6 > [#90] In aflevering 90 – Monsanto weedkiller is killing humans – America’s Lawyer  – Epilepsy drug has left children with autism  – High exposure to radiofrequency radiation linked to tumor activity in male rats  – Sweden agrees to consider ditching daylight saving time – Mother, 44, ‘cures’ cancer by taking cannabis oil  – A bacterial duo linked to colon cancer  – Onderzoekers ontdekken wat de Hongerwinter ons kan leren over metabole gezondheid – Full-fat milk raises good cholesterol levels – The end of toxic chemo? Blocking vitamin B-2 may stop cancer – Vaping causes DNA mutations leading to cancer  – Girl ‘almost’ cured of epilepsy after eating avocados  – E-cigarette flavors are toxic to white blood cells, warn scientists  – Ohio University study shows Vitamin D3 could help heal or prevent cardiovascular damage  – Statins decrease leptin expression in human white adipocytes. de bijdragen van de luisteraar(s) en verder Trump, Trump en Trump …. Ga naar de podcast

30-01-2018 > 5 > [Extra aflevering] In deze extra afleveringen een update van de situatie in Amerika in Jip en Janneke zombie taal zodat de ontwikkelingen in een notendop voorbij komen vanaf WO1 – WO2 de Bilderberg tot aan de dag van vandaag. Dit werd live uitgezonden / opgenomen vandaag bij de Ga naar de podcast

28-01-2018 > 4 > [#88] In aflevering 88 Latest Alzheimer’s Flop Raises Doubts About ‘Amyloid Hypothesis’ – Why Lots of Vegetables Are Crucial in Lowering Insulin & Blood Sugars in Diabetes – Could water containing good bacteria combat obesitas – Koolhydraten en cortisol – MIND diet slows cognitive decline in stroke survivors – Adding prebiotics to baby formulas boosts their memories  – Chinese boy has his tics cured by a poo transplant  – Smart contact lenses monitor glucose levels in tears  – Just one cigarette a day carries greater risk of heart disease and stroke than expected, warn expert  – Harvard researchers found evidence that oxytocin plays crucial role in helping brain process social signals – Just one hour of social media ruins your sleep  – Vaping does encourage kids to try tobacco, report finds  – Premature births linked to changes in mother’s bacteria  – Curcumin improves memory and mood, new UCLA study says  – Air pollution may shorten telomeres in newborns — a sign of increased health risks – Bijdrage luisteraar(s) – Mike en Henk. Ga naar de podcast

21-01-2018 > 3 > [#87] In aflevering 87: Boek over ME / CVS – Vitamin A and vitamin D deficiencies exacerbate symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorders – Preparing a pasta dinner? Diabetes patients should follow this trick to lower blood-sugar – Craving carbs? Blame your brain, Japan study finds – Sensory sensitivity may share genetic roots with autism – The best time of day to eat carbs without gaining weight – More than 90% of receipts contain dangerous chemicals  – Worst case global warming scenarios won’t happen – China builds ‘world’s largest air purifier’ at 328 feet – Mind games junk food giants use to make us eat more  – Two tablespoons of this condiment before a meal can help lower blood sugar – Dementia could be prevented by eating broccoli – How a Tiny Village Became the First Place in the World to Ban All Synthetic Pesticides – Extra beweegpauzes bij kantoorbaan – Link between television ads and junk food consumption – Oral health may have an important role in cancer prevention – reacties luisteraars – Trump nieuws (wat de internationale media niet vertellen) #mediaprostitutie !! …. ga naar de podcast

14-01-2018 > 2 > [#86] In aflevering 86: Stomach fat is linked to a stressful lifestyle  – The Damaging Effects of High Blood Sugars on Your Nerves – How tidal energy could help Japan with its nuclear power problem – Giftigheid glyfosaat pesticide komt met name door de zware metalen in de formule – Zonlicht laat vetcellen leeglopen in de zomer – Longkanker vaccin Cuba – Kokosolie, verzadigd vet – Big Food is playing the same game as Big Pharma by sponsoring scientists & public health authorities – Your Diet May Not Be Clogging Your Arteries. Instead, This Might Be the Culprit – Black pepper can reduce obesity, study finds – Gamblers could curb addiction in minutes with nasal spray – Lyme Disease and Anesthesia – Suikerspiegelwaardes hoger in de ochtend? – Alcohol can cause irreversible genetic damage to stem cells, says study – Bijdrage luisteraars – Mike en Henk …. Ga naar de podcast

07 -01 -2018 > [#85] In aflevering 85: Glucose sensor – Boek personlized diet – How Sleep Deprivation Is Linked to a Loss of Antioxidants  – Painkillers during pregnancy could damage baby’s fertility  – The BMJ reveals hundreds of drug company deals that commissioning groups fail to declare – Wereldwijde verspreiding van darmbacterie gelinkt aan zoetstof – Arabische gom en diabetes – London pensioner used turmeric to fight off blood cancer  – Book reveals secret conspiracy to make products obsolete  – How food preservatives may disrupt human hormones and promote obesity – Medication to prevent osteoporotic fractures may hinder the repair of damaged tissue  – Selenium Protects a Specific Type of Interneurons in the Brain – Plummeting temperatures could cause ‘mini ice age’ in 2030 – Long-term RF exposure on behavior and cerebral glucose metabolism in 5xFAD mice – Hoe een krachtige lobby ervoor zorgt dat er nog steeds sluipsuikers in ons eten zitten – In Asia’s Fattest Country, Nutritionists Take Money From Food Giants – Bijdrage luisteraars – Mike & Trump …. Ga naar de podcast

Jaargang 20172016