Coup Du Monde dag #261
I hereby share with you the following:
In February 2011, virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka presented a reward of 100,000 euros to anyone who could submit a scientific publication that not only claims the existence of measles viruses, but can also prove it scientifically.
Doctor Dr. David Bardens has tried to prove the existence of the measles virus by submitting six publications and asking for the corresponding amount to be paid. He could not enforce this demand.
Dr. Lanka has now announced that the measles virus trial has finally been won: “The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has ruled on the measles virus trial. The First Civil Senate of the BGH upheld the judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) of 16 February 2016.
Conclusion: A virus is not a living entity, whether you are talking about measles, Ebola, mumps or COVID, there is no scientific evidence.
What is called a virus are toxic substances that have already been safely expelled by a body cell and are packed in proteins, these are called exosomes.– So no contamination can take place outside the body!
– So no mutation can take place!
– So no vaccinations are required to restore health!
However, a well-functioning immune system is required with ditto building materials such as Vit. C. Vit. D etc. to allow the body to function optimally.
The food chain has proved insufficiently capable of providing ample supply of these essential building materials.
-MEDIA- responsibility
Given the court ruling, which was already handed down in 2016, and the many alternative media that published about this throughout the world, it may be assumed that this knowledge was or should have been in your possession now four years later.
All damage caused by this can be attributed in part to the role of the media by not propagating this news.
A front-page editorial is no longer necessary, the damage has already been done, the damage cannot be reversed, the elderly died in solitude, the young took their own lives and many companies have not survived the economic attack or are on the verge of collapse.Henk Mutsaers
Noot: Dit bericht is verstuurd naar Robert Jensen, American Embassy NL, War room team Steve Bannon, Jon Rappoport, NaturalNews, en niets staat je in de weg om zelf ook wat berichten de wereld in te sturen, ….
Bij elke website zou je bij het eerste bezoek moeten kijken wie de schrijver is en wat hem motiveert om dit te doen, mag ik je uitnodigen om even te kijken met wie je te maken hebt, of je een klik hebt met mij. Uitzoeken of je dezelfde visie hebt? – Over mij: Statement, visie en doel
Nu je toch hier bent, …
– Henk
… Wil ik een kleine gunst aan je vragen. Regering denktanks werken samen met Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter en anderen om onafhankelijk denken en kritiek op overheden en grote bedrijven te censureren, en het resultaat is catastrofaal voor de onafhankelijke media. In 2019 zijn de teugels weer dramatisch verder aangehaald. ‘JIJ“, … bent dus nog de enige die websites als deze onder de aandacht kan brengen van nieuwe lezers.