Gemberpoeder voor de spijsvertering en …
Gember is enorm goed voor een goede spijsvertering en het verbranden van calorieën. Met gember haal je meer bouwstenen uit je voeding.
Dat komt door de stof zingibain.
Er is volgens onder andere Deens onderzoek en toepassingen geen stof op aarde die zulke krachtige eiwitverterende enzymen bevat dan de zingibain.
Ginger is popularly used to treat conditions like indigestion, nausea, vomiting, sore throats, the common cold, headache, fevers, flu symptoms, rheumatism, and motion sickness; to improve appetite; and to reduce gall stones.
Ginger has certain chemical substances which reduce blood cholesterol levels, act as blood thinners, and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also helps to alleviate hypertension.
Waarom vegetarische recepten?
Nederland telt ongeveer 750.000 mensen die vegetariër zijn.
Het land met de meeste vegetariërs is ongetwijfeld India.
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” — Albert Einstein
“I think in the next ten or twenty years, we’ll have evidence [showing that a vegetarian diet is superior] that is as strong as the evidence that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. In my view, it’s plenty strong now.” –T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., China Study
Animal-based diets are high in saturated fat, excessive protein and cholesterol, leading to heart disease and stroke, nearly 50% of all deaths in the U.S.
A meat-eating American needs 3-1/4 acres of cultivated farm land per year; vegetarians only require 1/6 acre per year.
Meat contains no essential nutrients that cannot be obtained in higher quality directly from plant sources.
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