Hey You, YouTube Video Makers: Following The News Is A Fulltime Job. And I already have a fulltime job, so I do not have time enough for YOU !!

For over a year I am trying to follow all the YouTube videos on YouTube to stay up to date with all the news behind the screen, behind the scenes. Great job by a great Bunch of … amateurs, with all there good intentions the are faling BIG WAY, and here’s why.

What is the MOST importent goal for any YouTubber? “To get his message across”. “We get into this in just a minute, is the most used statement I hear, and then I look at the time that might take.”

  • I look at the clock and see if I will have enough time to wait “just a minute”The answer is not surprising I guess. I do know your reputation and mostly I switch of your video and I might even delete the whole channel.Sometimes I play the video in the background and go on with my work to find out I missed every point that have brought forward. Someone is even busy with nursing his baby while making the video !! A total disrespect for “MY” time. Your out !!

    Sometimes I go to the 3 minute mark point to skip all the crap, witch I do know from the last time. 

X22 report, Jordan Sater with Destroying the Illusion, Just Informed decisions, Sarah Westall, Operation Freedom, The Red Elephants, SGT report, Truth and Art TV, Dustin Nemos, the Still Report, Ware Drummer, Seething Frog, Judicial Watch, Black Pigeon, and many, many, many more.

Marc Dice, he is an exception, he’s really great, his message will come across. We know what we get and he’s not steeling our time. And his message will be seen and heard. And for the fans there’s his book. Your message will not, sorry.

Lets get clear, I really do respect your work but, … if I need to follow all the video’s. All the channels, the 24 hours given to me and my fellow YouTube followers is the mayor problem.

Lets have a look at the fake news media. They have short news blocks that will last the same amount of time every time. So I know what to get. Because they measure what is best for the advertisements, they check and double check, because they want to earn money and thats why they limit the amount of news. Then there is the BIG news that will take 15 minutes and the in dept journals for the happy few who wanted to know everything about the subject(s)

If there would stand up a personality at YouTube who will start his message after a leader of maximum 5 seconds and his news podcast will take 5 minutes at the max. He will blow you all away in just a few weeks.

You might see a lot of followers on your channel but do you check your stats, how long do they watch the video, and what you don’t see, are they paying attention or is your message or are you just some noise in the background while they are working some other task?

Let’s get straight, I’m dying to hear from you, but I can’t match up with the time you need for yourself to express your message.

That’s why I don’t bother most of the time anymore to watch the whole bunch of you, except Marc Dice that is.

Reactie van mij gepost bij Truth and Art TV
* Before we go to the news I need to share something …. and then 3 or 4 minutes later some news will come. Sorry but at that time I am already checked out most of the time, you maybe have all the time in the world I’m not. Not much video’s will be left for me watching. They all like to hear them selfs talk all the time. It’s about time to become more professional

Ik volg deze man al meer dan een jaar. Voor jou is dit misschien wat stroperig maar hij is goed ingevoerd en neemt het laatste nieuws, bijna dagelijks, op een leuke manier door. Als je je in Amerika verdiept en daar dagelijks een aantal uren insteekt blijft hij goed en constante kwaliteit leveren.

Mijn reactie daarop:
Inderdaad een paar uurtjes, en wie bedient er al die mensen die slechts een paar minuten per dag vrij kunnen maken, … die blijven dus totaal in het duister, een gemiste kans dus … want niemand schijnt dit GAT IN DE MARKT te zien. … en ik ben best een fan van veel van die mensen maar ik kan niet altijd te tijd vrij maken.

Hoe komen wij nog aan nieuwe bezoekers

Hoe komen wij nog aan NIEUWE bezoekers? Het antwoord is: ‘Door jou’ !!