aflevering 128 van 18-11-2018

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Deze week in aflevering 128 Bijdrage Mike en Henk, gezondheid nieuws met Ron: Polar bears are threatening native Inuit populations, warns controversial government report – California judge orders next Monsanto weed-killer cancer trial for March – Lawsuit against McDonald’s over Happy Meal toy marketing – Certain diabetes drugs linked to increased risk of lower limb amputation  – The Uncertainty Has Settled (Full film) – Monsanto’s Hidden Hand in Canadian Health Laws – McDonald’s was mijn grootste vriend – Lack of sunspots could bring a ‘Space Age record’ for cold weather, NASA scientist warns – Smartphones creating a mentally fragile generation  – Your heart hates air pollution; portable filters could help – The Genetic Literacy Project  – Rising sea levels may build, rather than destroy, coral reef islands – New study shows an epigenetic link between prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and offspring’s cardio-metabolic health – Statines verhogen het risico op ALS – Warning for synthetic version of stevia sweetener – Extreme male brain theory of autism confirmed in large new study – Gymnema verlaagt de bloedsuikerspiegel – Overtreating patients for hypothyroidism could raise their risk of stroke, study finds  – Coronary calcium levels a better predictor of patients at risk for coronary heart disease  – De longen hebben de grootste behoefte aan glutathion – Can vitamin D prevent the flu? – Do gut bacteria make a second home in our brains? [download de podcast]

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Polar bears are threatening native Inuit populations, warns controversial government report

California judge orders next Monsanto weed-killer cancer trial for March

Lawsuit against McDonald’s over Happy Meal toy marketing

Certain diabetes drugs linked to increased risk of lower limb amputation

The Uncertainty Has Settled (Full film)

Monsanto’s Hidden Hand in Canadian Health Laws

McDonald’s was mijn grootste vriend

Lack of sunspots could bring a ‘Space Age record’ for cold weather, NASA scientist warns

Smartphones creating a mentally fragile generation

Your heart hates air pollution; portable filters could help

The Genetic Literacy Project is associated with the Statistical Assessment Service (STATS) and the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA). Its executive director is Jon Entine who promotes GMOs. Bloomberg and The Progressive have reported that lawyers suing Monsanto state in court documents that companies funnel money to the Genetic Literacy Project in order to “shame scientists and highlight information helpful to Monsanto and other chemical producers.” [1][2] In a report that examined corporate attacks on science, Congress found that to discredit the World Health Organization (WHO), Monsanto “turned to industry trade groups, such as CropLife and industry front groups, such as Genetic Literacy Project and Academics Review as platforms of support for industry spokespersons.”[3]

Rising sea levels may build, rather than destroy, coral reef islands

New study shows an epigenetic link between prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and offspring’s cardio-metabolic health

Statines verhogen het risico op ALS

Warning for synthetic version of stevia sweetener

Extreme male brain theory of autism confirmed in large new study

Gymnema verlaagt de bloedsuikerspiegel

Overtreating patients for hypothyroidism could raise their risk of stroke, study finds

Coronary calcium levels a better predictor of patients at risk for coronary heart disease

De longen hebben de grootste behoefte aan glutathion

Can vitamin D prevent the flu?

Do gut bacteria make a second home in our brains?


Ultimatum van de EU aan Italie is verlopen, en ze zeggen nog steeds NEE

Midterm verkiezingen stemfraude | Executive order stemfraude [September]
— Ook de midterm verkiezingen zuiverde de V.S. Senaat van anti-Trump Republikeinen en gaven de Trump regering werkelijke controle. Dit betekent dat rechters en aanklagers nu benoemd kunnen worden om de lang verwachte arrestaties uit te voeren, zeggen de bronnen. “Procureur Generaal Jeff Sessions opent terwijl hij het stokje aan de chief of staff Matt Whitaker geeft de pijnfase, door aanklachten die worden vrijgegeven en massa arrestaties,” bevestigen de bronnen. — FactsForum

Brexit deal zeggen de media (maandag) maar er was nog niks goedgekeurd door de EU — nu weten we meer, er is GEEN deal, …

Q Anon stukje van de Loyalist op pagina 411 van afgelopen woensdag op het factsforum

Hèhè, dat werd tijd: ein-de-lijk twijfelen ook VVD en CDA bij migratiedictaat Marrakeshverdrag: ‘Niet gerust op!’ — factsforum

In 2017 vroegen 20.000 mensen asiel aan in Japan, waarvan er 20 werden goedgekeurd en nog eens 45 op humanitaire gronden mochten blijven.

Syvana doet aan ‘doxxing’:

ACTA 2.0, upload filter bij de internet providers, de laatste stuiptrekking van de Deep State (ZeroHedge)

Macron en technologiereuzen lanceren ‘Paris calls’ om het internet te controleren

105 Million Dollar Crucifixion of Natural Medicine

A San Diego jury sided against the author of the bestselling “pH Miracle” books this week, ordering him to pay $105 million to a cancer patient who said the author held himself out as a doctor and counseled her to forgo traditional medical treatment. Its anyone’s guess the real motive of the judge and jury for awarding such a high sum but certainly someone wanted this screamed out to the entire alternative medical community. People who honestly try their best to help people are crucified and the ones who hurt more than help are protected under the law. [Dr Sircus]

China: één miljoen moslims geïnterneerd in heropvoedingskampen

Court rules Hillary Clinton must answer more questions about her emails
Hillary Clinton must answer more questions under oath regarding her emails, a conservative watchdog group declared Wednesday. Source Washington Examiner Magazine

De cash loze maatschappij moet in Duitsland nog een giga horde nemen 80% van de Duitsers betalen nog met cash en veel bedrijven hebben nog niet eens de mogelijkheid om met pin te betalen,.

In onze wereld van tegenstellingen hebben we in de gehele geschiedenis een ding nog nooit geprobeerd, slechts een enkel ding …?

Video: “above majestic” documentaire

Gaat de brandstofaccijns staking in Frankrijk uitlopen op een landelijk Macron protest op 17 November?

YouTube-concurrent BitChute wordt uitgeschakeld door PayPal

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