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As the COVID vaccine was approved as an emergency measure, it is still classified as ‘experimental.’ It is not FDA approved. Therefore it violates 6 elements of the Nuremberg Code including:
- Number 1 – Requiring an experimental vaccine to participate in society is in violation of the Code.
- Number 3 – The Covid vaccine skipped required animal safety trials
- Number 4 – 36,000 adverse reactions (including PERMANENT DISABILITY) have been recorded (in the US alone) in the first 90 days of rollout
- Number 5 – 1,524 deaths from vaccine are recorded in VAERS in first 90 days of rollout (USA only)
- Number 6 – The vast majority of Americans have a 99.96% chance of surviving Covid without a vaccine
- Number 10 – No one is pulling the plug on this experimental-status vaccine even though we have thousands of deaths and permanent disabilities.